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反应罐 不锈钢搅拌反应釜 双层反应储罐


反应罐Reaction Tank

●  不锈钢反应罐是医药、化工等领域常用的反应设备之一,它是一种在一定的温度和压力下,借助搅拌器将一定体积的两种(或多种)液体与固体或液体进行混合,促进其化学反应的设备,通常伴随有热效应,由换热装置将所需热量输入或将生成热量移出。

●  搅拌形式多用锚式或框式,确保物料在短时间内混合均匀。

●  搅拌转速多配以变频调速,设有温度显示或控制。


●  Stainless steel reaction tank is one of the commonly used reaction equipment in the fields of medicine, chemical engineering, and other fields. It is a device that mixes a certain volume of two (or more) liquids with solids or liquids under a certain temperature and pressure with the aid of a stirrer to promote their chemical reaction, usually accompanied by a thermal effect, in which the required heat is input or generated heat is removed by a heat exchange device.

●  The mixing mode is usually anchor type or frame type to ensure uniform mixing of materials in a short time.

●  The mixing speed is mostly equipped with frequency conversion speed regulation and equipped with temperature display or control.



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